Butterflies For Food & Profit

Last year, during a expedition to inner most Africa, Jeffrey Gornstein, founder of Comfort House® discovered a new, unknown species of mammoth butterfly that has since been named Lepidopterist Comforteous. This species grows to a body length of almost two feet in only 60 days. Their wing span is almost 5 feet!

These butterflies provide up to 6 lbs. of steak fillets each (which have a current market price of $19.95/lb), a soft leather-like hide which is wonderful for gloves or handbags, and 6 antennae that make great fresh water fishing lures.

Our Complete Butterfly Kit consists of 50 immature Lepidopterist Comforteous butterflies which will allow you to nurture a self sustaining colony after 90 days, a butterfly net enclosure, feed and water trays, and our book Growing Butterflies for Fun and Profit.

See Photos and More Details: Butterflies For Food and Profit.


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